You make my heart flutter! embossing punches stamping Mar 10, 2021

Aiming high and taking flight

Be still my heart! Today’s page is all about our youngest kiddo. She is a tiny, sweet, amazing power house of a person. She is the kind of person that makes a plan and goes for it. She is beautiful and smart and such a go-getter and she makes my heart so happy!

Every time I sit down to scrap a page of this kid I am drawn to butterflies and flowers....

Sweet, silly, serious?! cricut getting started punches scraps stamping Mar 09, 2021

This kid is the perfect combination of sweet, silly and serious! Today’s scrappy page is all about my youngest son. He is such a fun, sweet person and he keeps us smiling all the time.

 I was so excited to capture this telling picture, because his expression just say’s it all! That raised eyebrow was followed by a big, cheesy grin. It is just how he rolls! He is our sweet,...

Pretty girl, pretty girl, letā€™s scrap a page! big shot embellishments embossing punches stamping Mar 08, 2021

Pretty girl, pretty girl

Yesterday I shared a page with you that was of my oldest son. I have 4 kids and try to keep their pages scrapped evenly. Anyone else? Am I the only one that does that?

Today I am sharing a page with you of my oldest daughter. She is beautiful and sweet, very caring and quite sassy! She keeps us hopping and she makes my heart happy! If I haven’t mentioned it yet,...

The sky is the limit! big shot cricut embossing punches Mar 07, 2021

Dreams and hot air balloons go hand in hand!

Well, hello there! I promised that I would be back today with a scrapbook page to share with you! This page is near and dear to my heart for a couple of reasons. First off, it features my oldest kiddo and that is always a favorite topic of mine. He is such an amazing person. He is smart and funny and he makes us so very proud. He makes my heart...

14 handy dandy, fun scrapbooking things youā€™ll want to invest in! big shot embellishments embossing getting started punches stamping Mar 06, 2021

Some fun to have tools and things!

Now that we have gone over some of the scrapbooking essentials, let’s chat about some of the fun-to-have tools and things! There are so many great gadgets and accessories to choose from. The ones I am about to share with you are some of my absolute favorites.

Sticky situation

To successfully create a scrapbook page you are going to need adhesive of some...

Your guide to making the cut! getting started Mar 05, 2021

Album…got it, paper…got it!

So, now that we have discussed albums and paper you should be feeling pretty comfortable with those supplies. It is time to start talking about some of the tools you’re going to need to start scrapbooking. You will find that like so many other hobbies the tools can range anywhere from the basic, “I probably already have those laying around...

You've chosen your what? getting started Mar 04, 2021

Album, check!  Now what...?

So, you have your album in hand and you’re ready to start filling it up with lots of pictures and creative expression. I’m so excited for you!

Let's talk paper!

It is time to start thinking about loading up your new album with all sorts of fun memories and stories. First things first, you will need paper to create on. When choosing the paper for your...

Iā€™m ready to scrapbook my heart out! What nowā€¦? getting started Mar 03, 2021


So, you are ready to start scrapbooking, but you have no idea where to begin! Does this sound familiar to you? I promise that it is not as scary as it sounds and I will do my best to get you on the right track! Before we get started though, I want you to think about this like building a house from the ground up. It requires space to put the house, supplies and tools to do your house...

Scrapbooking, the mystery solved! getting started Mar 02, 2021

Recently, over coffee with a friend, we were chatting about what has been keeping us busy lately. I listened to her first and when it was my turn I launched into my adventures with the scrapbooking hobby that has started taking over all of my free time (and all of the flat surfaces in my house!). During our conversation, I was practically bouncing in my seat. I gushed to her about the...

A little about me! Mar 01, 2021

Hi there! My name is AnnMarie and I am so excited to meet you! A little about me…I am a wife of 30 years to my best friend. We met when we were 12 and 13 and he has been charming me ever since. I am a Mom to 4 amazing human beings and a Grams to a gaggle of grand people who are the lights of my life. My sun rises and sets around my family.

I am a self proclaimed crafty girl, a creator, a...